Raleigh, NC MedSpa | AJC Medical

Laser Skin Resurfacing in Raleigh, NC


Utilizing laser technology, skin resurfacing at AJC Medical is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that uses precise beams of energy to deeply exfoliate damaged skin cells. This service addresses signs of aging and decreases the appearance of skin blemishes, including pigmentation, acne scars, and more. With the Harmony XL PRO, laser skin resurfacing is a diverse facial treatment for people who want clearer, softer, and younger-looking skin. Based on the condition of the patient’s complexion, we can adjust the treatment for the best results. There is some downtime needed with the many laser skin resurfacing treatments. During your consultation at our Raleigh, NC office, you can discuss any concerns or questions with our physician.

Laser Skin Resurfacing
Laser Skin Resurfacing


How much does laser skin resurfacing with the Harmony XL PRO cost?

The cost of your laser skin resurfacing will depend on the treatment type you get. Our physician will listen to your concerns and review the different types of laser resurfacing options. Then, she can help you choose your treatment and discuss the costs. Often, AJC Medical offers skin treatment specials and discounted packages so please ask for additional information during your appointment.

How can I help my skin recover after a resurfacing treatment?

Following a laser resurfacing treatment, our physician or a member of her team will provide tips on how you can help your skin heal. The most important rule is not to peel or pick your skin. Doing this could cause lasting damage, including scars. Additionally, you should skip all hair removal methods, such as shaving, waxing, or depilatory creams. After your treatment, we can suggest different ointments to help soothe your skin.

How often should I get laser resurfacing treatments?

Depending on the resurfacing technique you and our physician choose for your procedure, you might need to wait several weeks or even months between treatments. Deep treatments will provide results that last a long time; however, they will require a lengthy recovery period. You should tell our physician about how frequently you want to return for appointments. This will help her design a personalized treatment plan and allow her to select a resurfacing technique.