Raleigh, NC MedSpa | AJC Medical

Laser Psoriasis Treatment in Raleigh, NC


When you have psoriasis, you may experience light-colored, red, flaky, or rough plaques on the surface of the skin that feels itchy, inflamed, scaly, and crusted. This skin condition happens when the cells grow too quickly. Psoriasis lesions generally range in diameter and may develop on the hands, elbows, soles of the feet, knees, head, and lower portion of the back. At AJC Medical, our physician can reduce the symptoms of plaque psoriasis with Alma Harmony XL PRO. Using targeted laser energy, this treatment minimizes the symptoms of psoriasis, such as redness and flakiness. To find out if laser psoriasis treatment can help manage your condition and relieve your symptoms, please call our Raleigh, NC office today.


What causes psoriasis?

Psoriasis symptoms develop when normal skin cells are unintentionally targeted by the immune system. For patients, this skin condition might not occur frequently. But if the body starts fighting sickness or infection, the increased activity from their immune system might trigger psoriasis.

What does psoriasis look like?

Reddish or pinkish spots of raised, thickened, scaly skin tissue are common symptoms of psoriasis. These areas usually occur on the knees, scalp, and elbows, but they can happen on any part of the body. Please contact our Raleigh, NC location so our physician can develop a detailed treatment plan.

What happens when psoriasis isn't treated?

While slight bouts of psoriasis might not have long-lasting negative effects, moderate to severe flare-ups of the condition could turn into psoriatic arthritis. If you have not undergone professional treatment, this kind of arthritis has the potential to cause debilitating pain, mobility issues, and permanent joint disfigurement.

How does laser treatment for psoriasis work?

Laser treatment with the Harmony XL PRO at AJC Medical works through intense light to minimize the presence of psoriasis by slowing the creation of skin cells. These laser sessions only require a few minutes to complete, and typically create a snapping sensation followed by mild warmth. Individuals may require a number of treatment sessions to address a plaque psoriasis condition.