Raleigh, NC MedSpa | AJC Medical
Individuals can develop melasma at different points throughout their lives. Typically, this skin condition occurs when irregular dark spots show up on the face, forearms, and neck. These tan, gray, or brown pigmented areas appear symmetrically over the brow, cheeks, nose, upper lip, or chin. Melasma occurs more frequently in females with darker skin colors and is thought to happen because of excess sun exposure or hormonal fluctuations. At AJC Medical, our physician performs melasma treatment with the Alma Harmony XL PRO laser. This minimally invasive treatment uses powerful light energy to help reduce the appearance of pigmented patches. Please schedule a skin evaluation at our Raleigh, NC office to learn if laser melasma treatment might help improve your self-confidence and refresh your complexion!
Melasma-induced hyperpigmentation can occur during any stage in life. It’s commonly believed to happen because of hormone fluctuations, including those experienced during pregnancy and birth control. Other factors that may increase your risk for melasma may include UV damage, stress, and a genetic predisposition.
To perform melasma treatment with Harmony XL PRO laser technology, your technician will use targeted light energy to address the darker areas on your skin. The light will gently break down melanin (the substance that causes discoloration). Even though areas of hyperpigmentation might initially darken, they should become less noticeable after about a week.
Although laser treatments can help minimize the appearance of melasma, more pigmented spots may appear in the future. We can plan for multiple sessions to help extend your results.
At AJC Medical, the cost of your laser melasma treatment depends on your personal skin issues. Our team will tailor a treatment plan that meets your desired results. We can also provide information about the payment options we accept at our Raleigh, NC office.